Mehdi Bagheri, Composer & Kamanche Virtuoso

Mehdi Bagheri is a composer and multi-instrumentalist born in Kermanshah, Iran. His earliest musical endeavors included study of several traditional Iranian instruments, before selecting the kamanche as his primary instrument. He studied extensively under Maestros Kayhan Kalhor and Ardeshir Kamkar. In the early 2008s, he recorded and published the radif (traditional melodic techniques passed down orally from master to student across generations) of the legendary Maestro Aliakbar Khan Shahnazi. Mehdi has performed worldwide at festivals such as the Morgenland Festival, Théâtre de la Ville, and the Oslo World Music Festival, as well as appearing on joint concert with the Berlin Radio Choir, featuring performances of his works in the RBB Hall. In Iran and abroad, Mehdi has been dynamically pursuing his work in different fields such as music in film, eclectic music, and Iranian classical music. He has also published a variety of works with a great number of musicians.
Festivals and Concerts
- Berklee College of Music (Boston- United States)
- Oslo Word Music Festival (Oslo - Norway)
- Morgenland Festival Osnabrück (East Music Festival in Osnabrueck, Germany)
- Kursaal Festival (San Sebastián, Spain)
- Théâtre de la Ville(Paris - France)
- Michigan Festival of Sacred Music (Michigan - United States)
- Opéra de Lille (Lille, France)
- Marc Bloch University (Strasbourg, France)
- Joint concert with the Berlin Radio Choir (Rundfunkchor Berlin) and performances of his works in the RBB Hall (Germany)
- Erciyes University (Turkey)
- EFRI University (France)
- Ford's Theatre (Los Angeles - United States)
- Palace of Fine Arts (San Francisco - United States)
- Columbia University (New York City - United States)
- Globalquerque! (New Mexico - United States)
- Southbank Centre (London - UK)
- Montana Folk Festivals (Montana - United States) ...
In Iran and abroad, Mehdi has been dynamically pursuing his work in different fields such as music in film, eclectic music and Iranian classical music. He has also published a variety of works with a great many number of singers and musicians. Amongst all, his most important works include recording and publishing the radif (the old melodic figures preserved through many generations by oral tradition) by Maestro Ali-Akbar Shahnazi; solo and group pieces for Kamanche, and more.
- Recordings radif Ali-Akbar Shahnazi
- In The Faraway Clouds
- Kamancheh Ensemble